Quality Management
Software quality management is a management process the goal of which is to develop and manage the quality of a software to make sure the product satisfies the user. The goals of SQM (software quality management ) is to make sure a product is in good levels of quality and meets the regulations and standards the customer needs from the product. Software quality managers have to test the product before it's released to the market, they do this by a series of steps called the software cycle in order to get the errors in a software and try to fix it before being released. Their job is not only to make sure the software is in good shape for the consumer, but also to encourage the quality culture to everyone and avoid fraud by protecting their software through proper development.
Quality assurance and testing are extremely crucial in the software development cycle and should be introduced at the earliest stage of the project.
The dedicated Quality Assurance Department at Wenso uses a wide range of comprehensive testing methods and tools to ensure that we deliver only the highest quality solutions. Wenso QA specialists have expertise in multiple technologies, platforms and standards. Our experience in domains embraces such areas as websites and advanced web portals, complex internet applications and client-server software.
Independent Validation Services (IVS) is transforming itself to become the best QA partner, bringing innovation and business value in everything we do. As the Testing segment experiences a paradigm shift, IVS will focus on supporting and driving business assurance.